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GPC Workshop 2022 Event

Proposed Date: October 09th-11th, 2022
Organizer: General Petroleum Company
Venue Location: Ras Gharib-Eastern Desert.

The majority of oil fields in Egypt are brown fields, the production from good quality reservoir rock are steadily declined. Low grade reservoir facies that are penetrated in old fields are either not recognized or in production in some locations with low production rate. The main objective of this workshop is to share knowledge, success stories and innovative ideas and techniques to increase production from brown fields at optimized cost by adding new productive zones utilizing fit-to-purpose technology.
Suggested disciplines:
  1. Case studies and learned lessons tested as successful productive examples.
  2. New technology applications for better understanding the nature of tight and unconventional reservoirs.
  3. Different approaches to evaluate drilling, completion, production and stimulation.

Workshop Guidelines:
  1. Only abstract, 1 page is required before the workshop.
  2. No written manuscript is required.
  3. Only power point presentation is required for presentation, 20-25 min, no specific format is needed.
  4. Presentation Should be shared by Geoscientist and Engineering.
  5. Slabbed cores and full diameter core samples could be shown up to demonstrate unconventional reservoir quality.
  6. Limited area for tool exhibition is available.

Suggested Topics:
  1. Business Impact of GPC 2021 Carbonate Workshop.
  2. Unconventional & tight reservoirs evaluation.
  3. Reservoir Stimulation.
  4. Formation Damage.
  5. Production Technology.
  6. Digital Oil Fields.
  7. New Opportunities in Brown Fields.
  1. No participation fees.
  2. Dress code: Smart Casual or Semi-formal.
  3. Arriving to Bakr field on Sunday 9th October, 2022 @ 9:00 am.
  4. Accommodation for sister companies in Bakr camp whenever available.
  5. Workshop sponsorship is accepted from IOC's and Service Companies.
  6. Cases and attendees documents to be submitted through this website for reviewing and selection.
  7. Allowed number of attendees for each company up to 4 persons





Event Schedule

Day1 Day2 Day3

Workshop Agenda will be available after reviewing and screening the abstracts.

Event Venue Layout

Event Venue Location

Organizer: General Petroleum Company (GPC)
Venue Location: Ras Gharib-Eastern Desert.

Event Venue Gallery